I intended to post this a few days ago, but time got away from me. And no, "The Glow" does not refer to the pregnancy glow. HA!! It's actually in reference to "the morning-after-the-first-night-of-Bible-study glow". Say that ten times fast. So yes, this week began a new semester of Bible study. I'm blessed to live in the Bible belt, and perhaps even "the belt buckle" of Dallas, Texas where I'm surrounded by churches offering a plethora of women's Bible studies. And following the metaphor just a little further, I attend Bible study at the largest buckle of them all - Prestonwood (P'wood, Six Flags Under Jesus, etc). I'm not actually a member of Prestonwood - it just happens to be close and offer a myriad of studies at a number of different times.
This semester I've chosen to re-do Here and Now, There and Then by Beth Moore and go through for the first time Modern Girl's Guide to Bible Study by Jen Hatmaker. (By "re-do" I simply mean that I started it this summer on Sunday afternoons, but after a few weeks Sunday afternoon naps simply called louder than did Revelation - I've since confessed and repented.)
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of hearing Jen Hatmaker speak. She's HI-larious. Seriously, if we knew each other well, we'd be BFFs. She's sarcastic, and self-deprecating and she LOVES the Lord and His Word, and she's passionate about seeing women study His Word and benefit from those awesomely wonderful sixty-six books. And she so speaks my language - get a load of the title of the second chapter: "Nair, Diet Pills and Other Things That Don't Work - Effective Strategies for Connecting with Scripture".
Now you might be able to understand my excitement Tuesday night and the after-glow on Wednesday morning. But beyond re-doing and Nair, I'm just so stinkin' thankful that God has given me the opportunity to experience gospel-community with other women - to glean wisdom from their maturity, to press into His Word alongside them, and grow in godliness.
So how about ya'll?? Anyone else got "the glow"??
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